What is Confidence?
Confidence is the belief in your ability to successfully execute an action given the circumstances. Essentially, self-confidence is being certain of your own abilities. Self confidence is not 1) what you tell others, 2) pride in past efforts, or 3)arrogance. Self-confidence is your inner-most thoughts about how you judge your abilities. Self-confidence comes from hard work, quality practice, belief in your technique, and trust.
General Confidence Tips
- Say stop to your inner critic
- Utilize healthier motivation habits
- Write down things you like about yourself
- Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive way
- Try something new
- Spend more time with supportive people
- Don’t compare yourself to other people
- Adapted from:
- How to Improve Your Self-Esteem by Edberg (2013)
The Wall of Confidence
Imagine your self-confidence as a wall. In order to be confident, you need ‘stuff’ to be confident in. your bricks (foundation) need to be made of strong material.
How can you build your wall of confidence?
- Set and achieve goals
- Build upon previous accomplishments
- Use positive self-talk to encourage yourself
- Be willing to be bold and pursue excellence
- Surround yourself with people that encourage you
- Visualize yourself succeeding
- Proper preparation
- Persistence and Repetition- self-confidence is a skill that needs practice!
- Focus on your strengths
- Observe how others have been successful
Consequences of Self-Confidence
- More relaxation
- Clearer concentration
- Seek tougher challenges
- Increase in effort
- More persistence
- More successful performance
Activities to Build Self-Confidence
- Write yourself a ‘brag’ letter.
- Write down everything you are good at – your learned skills, abilities, talents, gifts, personal charateritics, personality strengths, etc.
- Write down your past accomplishments – school, sports, theater, volunteer work, art, music, etc.
- Refer to this list often and place it somewhere you can see it frequently.
- Try this excellent Self-Confidence Exercise
For a handout on Confidence download the Confidence Handout
Word of caution – watch out for over-confidence! There are two types of overconfidence: those who put on a show and those who simply misperceive their abilities. Over-confidence can lead to the development of bad work habits and can lead to looking foolish. Be sure you have the right type of confidence!
Articles on Confidence
Self-Confidence Videos