COVID-ADAPT is a user-friendly software that allows one to model and visualize the movement of people within a specific facility, and the spread of an air-borne pathogen, such as SARS-coV-2, within the airspace of the facility, and the subsequent spread of infection among the people living and working in the facility. It is based on a spatially explicit, individual-based model, developed in C++ by Dr. Krisztian Magori, with a Graphical User Interface developed in Python by Craig J Russell, Christopher D Roberts, Benjamin A Michael as part of their senior capstone project at Whitworth University, under the guidance of Peter Tucker. COVID-ADAPT is offered under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, meaning that anyone can use the software for free, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, copies of the Software, provided that the same license remains with any modifications of the software, and the original authors are credited. COVID-ADAPT, or any modifications, cannot be sold without my express permission, however, it could be used by a commercial service that charges a fee. COVID-ADAPT is provided “as is”, without any warranty of any kind.

You can download COVID-ADAPT for Windows systems here.

You can download COVID-ADAPT for Mac OS X here.

You can find a User Guide, including a Quick Start Tutorial, developed by Roxanne McPeck here.

You can also read a manuscript written by Roxanne McPeck, with my help, using COVID-ADAPT to investigate the impact of vaccination and masking on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 within a floor of Pearce Hall at EWU, published on the preprint server MedrXiv.