Faculty Resources
An ongoing list of faculty resources to assist faculty in providing the best learning environment possible for all students.
The resources listed are collected from a variety of sources.
Faculty Diversity Fundamentals
In collaboration with Eastern Washington University faculty, the Office for Diversity and Inclusion is pleased to present Faculty Diversity Fundamentals Workshops.
The workshops were developed for faculty by faculty. These workshops provide faculty with strategies and techniques to address microaggressions in the classroom and facilitate difficult conversations. Our goal is to provide faculty with the training and support needed in an ever-changing diversity landscape.
Please note: We Are Working on the Academic Year 2022-23 Offerings – additional information coming soon
Please send ideas or your needs for a workshop to Kim Davis at kdavis2@ewu.edu.
EWU Campus Resources
University Police Department Phone Numbers:
Dial 911 if you have a life-threatening emergency or crime in progress.
Non-emergency assistance: Cheney – 509.359.7676 |Catalyst (3-11pm., Mon.-Fri.) – 509.824.5458
WSU Spokane Campus – 509.358.7995 |EWU PD Office (8a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.): 509.359.6498
Africana Studies Program
P: 509.359.2205 | africanastudies@ewu.edu
American Indian Studies Program
P: 509.359.6665 | kwarren@ewu.edu
Chicana/o/x Studies Program
P: 509.359.4857 | chstprogram@ewu.edu
Counseling and Wellness Services
Cheney Campus | P: 509.359.2366
24-hour crisis line: 1-877-266-1818 |cws@ewu.edu
Dean of Students
P: 509.359.7924 | DOS@ewu.edu
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
P: 509.359.4705 | diversityandinclusion@ewu.edu
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
EWU Global
P: 509.359.2331 | global@ewu.edu
Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies
P: 509.359.2898 | jrohrer@ewu.edu
Multicultural Center
P: 509.359.4004 | mcc@ewu.edu
Office of Equal Opportunity
P: 509.359.6612 | eoaa@ewu.edu
Pride Center
P: 509.359.7870 | pride@ewu.edu
Student Accommodations & Support Services
P: 509.359.7924 | https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/dss/crisis-care/
Veterans Resource Center
P: 509.359.7040 | veterans@ewu.edu