Gnaphalium palustre

Scientific Name Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. Family Asteraceae Common Names lowland cudweed, western marsh cudweed Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Carduus nutans

Scientific Name Carduus nutans L. Family Asteraceae Common Names musk or nodding thistle Eastern Washington Native Synonyms None Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Bidens cernua

Scientific Name Bidens cernua L. Family Asteraceae Common Names nodding beggar ticks, bur marigold Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Cirsium vulgare

Scientific Name Cirsium vulgare (Savi.) Ten. Family Asteraceae Common Names bull thistle, common thistle Eastern Washington Introduced Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Erigeron compositus

Scientific Name Erigeron compositus Pursh Family Asteraceae Common Names fleabane, cutleaf daisy, dwarf mountain fleabane, fernleaf fleabane, trifid mountain Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.

Solidago elongata

Scientific Name Solidago elongata Nutt. Family Asteraceae Common Names West Coast or Cascade Canada goldenrod Eastern Washington Native Conservation Status Notes Click on any image to enlarge it.