The Constitution of the Faculty Organization of Eastern Washington University
We, the faculty of Eastern Washington University, in order to establish ourselves as a self-governing body, do create and establish this constitution.
Article I. Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Organization of Eastern Washington University.
Article II. Purpose
Section I. The Faculty Organization's primary purpose shall be to benefit the faculty and the institution of Eastern Washington University. Specifically, the aims are to promote academic quality in an intellectually supportive environment that fosters student learning outcomes by
- Strengthening and protecting academic freedom and tenure;
- Promoting faculty development;
- Optimizing current and developing new academic policies;
- Supporting the ongoing development of effective pedagogical practices; and
- Partnering with the United Faculty of Eastern to advance the academic welfare of all faculty.
Section II. The organization shall endeavor to maintain and strengthen shared governance at Eastern Washington University and shall represent the views of the faculty in all matters pertaining to shared governance.
Article III. Membership
Section I. The membership of the Faculty Organization shall consist of all faculty members of EWU, to include all regular full-time and part-time employees of the University designated with faculty status, excluding casual or temporary employees as defined in WAC 391-35-350, administrators, confidential employees, graduate student employees, post-doctoral and clinical employees, and employees subject to Chapter 41.06 or 41.56 RCW.
Section II. An official roster of the Faculty Organization shall be established and maintained by the Faculty Organization. This roster, by request, shall be available to any member of the Faculty Organization.
Section III. Full time employees of Eastern Washington University not qualifying as members may appeal for special membership status to the Academic Senate. The Rules Committee shall place matters of membership, exception, appeals or changes on the agenda of the Academic Senate for its action.
Article IV. Officers
Section I. The officers of the organization shall consist of a president, a vice president (who is also the president elect), a secretary and a treasurer. The president of the Faculty Organization shall serve as chair of the Academic Senate and the vice president of the Faculty Organization shall serve as the vice chair of the Academic Senate.
Section II. Elections of officers for the following academic year shall be conducted during the spring quarter of each academic year. Candidates may be self-nominated or nominated by any regular member of the Faculty Organization; in either case the nominee must accept in writing. Ballots shall include an option for write-in candidates.
Section III. If an officer of the Faculty Organization resigns or for any other reason leaves office, the office is vacant and that officer must be replaced. In case of a vacancy of the office of the president, the president-elect will assume the office of the president for the remainder of the term. If the changeover happens before December 31, the president-elect will serve only until the end of that school year. If the changeover happens after December 31, the new president will serve the balance of the term as well as a successive term. In either case, an election will be held to replace the president elect. In case of a vacancy of any other office, there will be an election to fill the office for the remainder of the term.
Officers of the Faculty Organization are subject to recall. A petition to recall any officer of the Faculty Organization, which is signed by at least twenty percent of the members of Faculty Organization, will require a recall election be conducted. This recall election shall be conducted by members of the Rules Committee of the Academic Senate, excluding that officer whose tenure is being contested, and shall be completed within twenty-one faculty working days of receipt of the petition. If a majority of the ballots cast in such a recall election favor recall of that officer, then the office shall be declared vacant by the Rules Committee within five days of the completion of the recall election.
Article V. Committees
Section I. The following shall constitute the standing committees of the Faculty Organization:
- Academic Senate. The Academic Senate, together with its councils, committees, and subcommittees, is the legislative arm of the Faculty Organization.
- Executive Committee. The executive committee shall be composed of the four elected officers of the Faculty Organization. The president of the Faculty Organization is the chair of the executive committee.
- Rules Committee: The Rules Committee shall be composed of the four elected officers of the Faculty Organization, the chairs of the various councils of the Academic Senate, and three faculty at large. The Provost (or designee) and up to three members of the ASEWU are non-voting members.
Section II. Additional councils and committees: The Academic Senate may constitute additional councils and subcommittees as required:
- Faculty Organization Committees, Councils and subcommittees:
- Hybrid Committees, Councils and subcommittees.
Section III. A list of existing committees, councils, and subcommittees and their membership shall be maintained by the Faculty Organization and is available upon request.
Article VI. Meetings
Section I. Meetings of the Faculty Organization and meetings of any subcommittees of the organization, including the Academic Senate and councils, shall be conducted in accord with Robert's Rules of Order.
Section II. The Faculty Organization:
- Meetings of the Faculty Organization may be called by:
- The chair of the Academic Senate;
- A petition of at least ten percent of the membership of the Faculty Organization; or
- A petition of a majority of the membership of the Academic Senate.
- The date and agenda of meetings of the Faculty Organization shall be announced in writing to all members at least one week in advance of the meeting. Proposed amendments to the constitution and changes in the Academic Senate regulations must be announced in writing to all members at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
- A quorum shall consist of 40 percent of the membership. Once quorum is met, a majority shall be 50 percent of the members attending plus one.
Section III. The Academic Senate:
- The Academic Senate meets bimonthly during the academic year according to the meeting schedule approved by the Academic Senate during the previous academic year.
- Special meetings of the Academic Senate may be called by
- The chair of the Academic Senate;
- A majority vote at a meeting of the Academic Senate; or
- A majority vote of the Faculty Organization.
- The date and agenda of meetings of the Academic Senate shall be announced in writing to all members during the week prior to the meeting.
- A quorum of a meeting of the Academic Senate shall be fifty percent plus one member. Once quorum is met, a majority shall be fifty percent of the members attending plus one.
Article VII. Voting
Section I. Only members of the Faculty Organization are allowed to vote at meetings of the Faculty Organization, Academic Senate, or Executive Committee of the Faculty Organization, or in any ballot of the membership conducted by the Faculty Organization. The selection of faculty members to serve on Faculty Organization councils, committees or subcommittees requires approval of the Academic Senate.
Section II. The Faculty Organization may form new committees, subcommittees and councils jointly with administration, ASEWU or other bodies. These committees are jointly administered. The creation of such a hybrid committee must be approved by the Academic Senate. The selection of faculty members representing the Faculty Organization to serve on these councils, committees or subcommittees requires approval of the Academic Senate. The voting membership of these committees is determined by the charge approved by the Senate.
Section III. When official business is conducted by secret ballot, those secret ballots shall be distributed by the executive committee with the due date marked on the ballot and those ballots must be returned to the Faculty Organization by the due date; ballots returned after this time period will not be valid.
Article VIII. Amendments of the Constitution
The constitution of the Faculty Organization can be amended by a vote of the membership of the Faculty Organization with at least two-thirds of the votes in favor of amendment.
Article IX. Bylaws
Bylaws, in keeping with the tenets of the constitution, may be created by the Academic Senate to address procedural or operational issues of the Faculty Organization.
Article X. Recommended Voluntary Contributions
Section I. Many expenses of the Faculty Organization are paid through voluntary contributions by the members. Members may elect to contribute a portion of their salary through payroll deduction; forms are available from the treasurer or Faculty Organization office.
Section II. Special assessments to cover extraordinary expenses of the Faculty Organization may be levied by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Faculty Organization.
Section III. The treasurer shall ensure that a current record of voluntary contributions and assessments paid by members of the Faculty Organization is kept. Copies of this record shall be available to any member on request.