Explore Unique Opportunities
Study away and experience new places, ideas, and cultures.
Attend one of 165+ colleges and universities for one or two academic terms while paying EWU tuition.
Have access to different campuses' research programs, internships, extracurricular activities, and much more while living in a different geographical and cultural setting in North America or one of the U.S. territories, including Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
If you are ready for a language challenge, you can study in French in Quebec, and in Spanish in Puerto Rico.
- Have completed at least one term at EWU
- Have a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Apply early
- Have good standing (academic, personal, and financial)
- Puerto Rico: requires completion of SPAN 202 or equivalent; all courses conducted in Spanish
- Quebec: Most campuses require completion of FREN 202 or equivalent; courses conducted in French
Application Process and Deadlines
- Applications for the 2022-2023 school year are currently being accepted.
- Deadline is February 15th.
- Placement decisions will be made in mid-March.
- An application, two letters of recommendation, and a meeting with the NSE Coordinator are all required prior to selection for the program.
- Nonrefundable $200 application fee
- Home Pay: Pay your EWU tuition rates
- Host Pay: Pay the in-state tuition rates of the host campus
- Miscellaneous and Course-Related Fees - Students should expect to pay the host campus for books and other course-related fees (laboratory fees, supplies, field study, etc)