Summary of Agreement – WFSE/EWU The summary of this agreement is posted according to RCW 43.88.583. Term of Agreement Expand See article(s): 47 Bargaining Units Expand See article(s): 2 Base Compensation Expand See article(s): 19 Appendix B Appendix C Provisions for and rate of overtime pay Expand See article(s): 20.6 Provisions for and rate of compensatory time Expand See article(s): 20.7 Provisions for and rate of any other compensatory including, but not limited to, shift premium pay, on-call pay, stand-by pay, assignment pay, special pay, or employer-provided housing or meals Expand See article(s): 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 Appendix D 19.4 20.9 Provisions for and rate of pay for each paid leave provision Expand See article(s): 28 29 30 31 32 Provisions for and rate of pay for any cash out provisions for compensatory time or paid leave Expand See article(s): 20.7 29.5 30.6 30.7 Temporary layoff provision Expand See article(s): 38 Any impasse procedure subject to bargaining Expand See article(s): N/A Health care benefits provisions expressed as a percentage of cost or as a dollar amount, or in the case of contributions to a third-party benefit fund, the hourly contribution rate to the fund Expand See article(s): 21 22 Number of bargaining unit members covered by the agreement as of the date submitted to the office of financial management Expand Any retirement benefit subject to bargining, or in the case of contributions to a third-party benefit fund, the hourly contribution rate to the fund Expand For compensation or fringe benefits with an anticipated cost of fifty thousand dollars or more, a brief description of each component and its cost that comprises the amount funded by the legislature to implement in accordance with RCW 41.80.010(3) Expand Content of any agency-specific supplemental agreements affecting (a) throught (m) of this subsection Expand Any contract provisions that allow the contract to be reopened during the contract term Expand See article(s): 12.6