S-STEM Overview

The "Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics" (S-STEM) program was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Our S-STEM grant supported students from 2014-2019. In a nutshell, NSF is concerned that our undergraduate students are spending too much time in paid employment. The S-STEM program addressed this concern by providing scholarship support to STEM students and by strengthening the university's student support programs.

S-STEM scholars received up to $7,000 per year (depending on their unmet need) for two years and were required to participate in monthly activities that included faculty advising, community service, career services counseling, and professional development activities with our Agency/Industry Partners. Although we could not require that S-STEM scholars stop working, the scholarship support was intended to allow S-STEM scholars to focus on schoolwork and related activities instead of employment. This scholarship support was compatible with other financial aid (Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships; 102 Sutton Hall; 509-359-2314). The EWU S-STEM program supported juniors and seniors who are pursuing degrees in Biology, Biochemistry, or Environmental Science. Students in preclinical programs (including medicine, dental, veterinary medicine, medical laboratory science) were not eligible.

As the grant is completed, we are not accepting new applications. In the 2019-2020 academic year we are completing the final paperwork on the grant and preparing a new grant proposal submission.


Drs. Joyner-Matos and Islam-Zwart published some of our results in the Journal of College Science Teaching. Our manuscript, "Strategies to increase the workforce development of interdisciplinary cohorts of traditionally underrepresented students in STEM" was published in 2021 (JCST 51:23-31)

National Science Foundation: Where Discoveries Begin