Fix-It Ticket
Fix it Tickets are used for students to fix a classroom expectation that they may need help with. The idea is for students to improve their behavior without having to give them repercussions.
Eastern Washington University
Fix it Tickets are used for students to fix a classroom expectation that they may need help with. The idea is for students to improve their behavior without having to give them repercussions.
This tool is for after something has happened, and a student needs to Stop and Reflect on the situation. This gives students the opportunity to explain how they are feeling and what they could’ve done differently to change the situation for the better.
Pick a variety of classroom jobs, where students can contribute to your classroom and be responsible for something. For example, Teachers Assistant, Paper Collector, Line Leader, Caboose, Lights, etc. These class jobs rotate weekly so that everyone gets a chance to do them.
Fix-It Ticket allows students to reflect on their behavior and identify what they can do next time to avoid the behavior occurring again. This tool helps hold students accountable and reflect on their actions.
The Roller Coaster timer is a quick brain break between learning for students to go to the bathroom, get a snack, or talk with a friend. The time may be adjusted based on the day, (5-10 min) but the students may spend the time however they need.
This is a tool where you meet with each of your students every morning to check in with them on how their attitude is for the day. this could be a simple as a high five or even a talk with your class as a whole to see what they are feeling.
A timer can be useful during classroom, preparing for recess, or getting ready for a transition.
It helps students understand empathy and to be kind to others because we don’t always know what others may be going through.
Dr. Emotion is a puppet that can be used during community circles to address difficult situations involving emotions. Emotions affect our lives from day-to-day to moment-by-moment and sometimes we struggle with how to deal with our emotions.
The Google It Box is a box that is set up to allow for students to ask questions and get them answered later when there is time to address them. This box is helpful because if there is a time when students are getting off-topic we can put it in the Google It Box so we can come back to it later and students trust they will have their question addressed.