McNair Scholar Tiago Correia and Claudio Escalante Attend 2023 SACNAS The National Diversity in Stem Conference

McNair Scholar Tiago Correia attended the 2023 SACNAS The National Diversity in Stem Conference October 26-28 in Portland, OR. A national program, SACNAS was founded in 1973, a group meeting organized by Dr. Alonzo Atencio “that would address the paucity of Chicano and Native Americans in academia and government agencies. […]to set up the mechanism … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Tiago Correia Completes Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Tiago Correia for completing his McNair Summer Research Internship! Tiago was selected for a full-time eight-and-a-half-week summer position in the Central Convergence Research Experiences for Undergraduates  (CC-REU) at Central Washington University. Tiago worked with mentor Dr. Brandy Wiegers on summer 2023 research, “An Androgen-Dependent Mathematical Model of the Menstrual Cycle”. … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Tiago Correia Selected for REU at CWU

Tiago Correia CWU REU

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Tiago Correia! Tiago has been selected for a position in the Central Convergence Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CC-REU) at Central Washington University this summer. The program is a full-time eight-and-a-half-week summer research program. From the CC-REU website, this internship offers: …research across a broad range of mathematical topics including topology, number theory, … Read more

Tiago Correia Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Correia Tiago Selected

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Tiago Correia! Tiago was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of his passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors who … Read more