EWU McNair Scholar Mary Belton Honored with Soaring Eagles Scholarship

Picture of Mary Belton with text "Congratulations, Mary Belton, Awarded the Soaring Eagles Scholarship"

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Mary Belton! Mary has been selected for the Soaring Eagles Scholarship. The award is for juniors and seniors who have demonstrated grit towards attaining their degree. Mary is currently in the midst of her EWU McNair Summer Research Internship exploring Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. On top of her classes, extra … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Devin Mumey Honored with Soaring Eagles Scholarship

Devin Mumey standing by poster on lichen research next to text reading: Congratulations! Devin Mumey, Awarded the Soaring Eagles Scholarship 2023-24

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Devin Mumey! Devin has been selected for the Soaring Eagles Scholarship. The award is for juniors and seniors who have demonstrated grit towards attaining their degree. Devin is currently in the midst of his second EWU McNair Summer Research Internship, while working part time, and preparing for an upcoming conference. He … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Receive Grants, Awards, Honors

Parke Cyphers Murphy Grants etc

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholars Kelly Parke, tommyboiZ, and Richard Murphy! All three have been awarded grants, scholarships, and other honors. Kelly Parke received the Jeffers Chertok Memorial Scholarship for academic year 2023-2024 from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Kelly was nominated by Dr. Michael Zukosky in Anthropology. The Jeffers Chertok Memorial … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Tiago Correia Selected for REU at CWU

Tiago Correia CWU REU

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Tiago Correia! Tiago has been selected for a position in the Central Convergence Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CC-REU) at Central Washington University this summer. The program is a full-time eight-and-a-half-week summer research program. From the CC-REU website, this internship offers: …research across a broad range of mathematical topics including topology, number theory, … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Marianna Fischer Attends the Viterbi STEP Workshop at USC

EWU McNair Scholar Marianna Fischer attended the Viterbi Graduate Step Toward Engineering Programs (STEP) Workshop at USC, April 27-28. The USC Viterbi School of Engineering paid for Marianna’s transportation and lodging to attend. From their website: The Viterbi Graduate Step Toward Engineering Programs (STEP) Workshop invites students to explore master’s and doctoral degree programs during … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Irie Browning Receives the Golden Eagle Award

Irie Browning receives Golden Eagle Award

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Irie Browning! Irie has received the Golden Eagle Award from the EWU Retiree’s Association. The EWURA awards two Golden Eagle scholarships annually—one to a STEM student and one to an arts/humanities student. Candidates come from the general EWU scholarship application. The students who are awarded the scholarship attend the EWU retiree’s … Read more