McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Participates in Presidential Search

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson was nominated to participate in the presidential search committee by former McNair Director Doctora Christina Torres García. The committee was comprised of faculty, staff, Board of Trustee members, and just a few students. As we chatted about her experience she exclaimed that it was really fun and she learned a … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Kianna Baker Accepted to Masters Program at Columbia University

EWU McNair Scholar Kianna Baker Accepted to Masters Program at Columbia University

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Kianna (Key) Baker! Key has been accepted by the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences to earn her Master of Public Health with a certificate in Child, Youth, and Family Health. She will receive funding as a Public Health Special Programs Scholar. In 2019, … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa Accepted to Masters Program at University of Miami

Lucia Roussa Accepted to Masters Program at University of Miami

  Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa! Lucia has been accepted with funding by the Master of Professional Science program at the University of Miami in the Marine Conservation track at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Lucia is double majoring in Environmental Science and Biology. Her research interests include Phycology, marine microbiology, and conservation science in … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Seth McCullough Accepted to Masters Program at University of Miami

Congratulations Seth McCullough, accepted at University of Miami

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Seth McCullough! Seth has been accepted with funding by the Master of Professional Science program at the University of Miami in the Marine Conservation track at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Seth is double majoring in Environmental Science and Biology. His research interests include coastal marine ecosystems, restoration ecology, and how climate change … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Completes Summer Research Internship

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson worked with Dr. Okera Nsombi on her Summer Research Internship project The Characterization of African Religions.

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson worked with Dr. Okera Nsombi on her Summer Research Internship project The Characterization of African Religions. Christina’s aim was to investigate how Western academia’s proximity to Eurocentric hegemonies influences religious studies. Her literature review went on to survey the work of scholars who have engaged in the examination of Eurocentrism as it pertains to the … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Darlynne Khayesi Completes Summer Research Internship

EWU McNair Scholar Darlynne Khayesi worked with Dr. Jillene Seiver in her Summer Research Internship on Mental Health Challenges in College Students which focused on the experiences of immigrant students. 

EWU McNair Scholar Darlynne Khayesi worked with Dr. Jillene Seiver in her Summer Research Internship on Mental Health Challenges in College Students which focused on the experiences of immigrant students.  Darlynne’s study aimed to test the hypothesis that there is a higher prevalence of mental health issues among immigrant college-attending students compared to their native counterparts. In a multicultural … Read more