EWU McNair Scholar Alexandria Coronado Completes Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Alexandria Coronado for completing her EWU McNair Summer Research Internship! Alexandria worked hard all summer under the mentorship of Dr. Lindsey Upton in the Department of Sociology and Justice Studies. With Dr. Upton’s ongoing support, Alexandria will continue her research throughout the school year by developing and collecting responses to … Read more

Representation Matters: McNair Chemistry Research Intern Aulane Mpouli

Aulane Mpouli understands from experience why representation matters in STEM fields. As an EWU McNair Scholar and Chemistry and Biochemistry major, Aulane is currently applying to chemistry PhD programs with the goal of conducting bench to bedside translational cancer research. Interested in mechanisms to evaluate protein-ligand interactions, as well as chemical biology, and enzyme dynamics … Read more

Nine EWU McNair Scholars Present at Baylor McNair Research Conference

From looking at community perceptions of reentry barriers to formerly incarcerated people to the impact of chemical weathering from Mount St. Helen’s on streams, EWU McNair Scholars have been hard at work researching all summer under the guidance of their mentors. On October 1st and 2nd. Nine of these scholars presented at the 2020 Virtual … Read more

EWU McNair and Research Transform Students Lives!

Dear EWU & TRIO Community and Students,   I am sure you remember our EWU McNair scholar Marixza Torres, a Frances B Huston Medallion recipient, who was accepted into the University of California, Irvin’s Ph.D. program in Human Development in Context (HDiC), fully funded! She also was accorded an Honorable Mention in the 2020 NSF … Read more

Thinking about Graduate School?

Hello Eags! Have you thought about attending graduate school? EWU TRIO McNair Program is seeking for first-generation, low-income students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor, apply for graduate school and attend right after college! If you like to know more, please visit our Website: https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/mcnair/ or send … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Darlene Gilroy Awarded Two Scholarships

Congratulations EWU McNair Scholar Darlene Gilroy! Darlene has been awarded the Penelope A. Jones Scholarship and the HOME Program Scholarship. Darlene’s EWU McNair research has focused on the chemical weathering of volcanic sediments under the mentorship of Dr. Carmen Nezat. She has presented on this project at the 2019 Murdock College Science Research Conference in … Read more