Welcome The EWU McNair 2020-2021 Cohort

New Scholars! The EWU McNair Scholars Program is excited to welcome our new 2020-2021 cohort of McNair scholars! Operating in a cohort model, these scholars will make connections while acquiring the knowledge, skills, and capacities necessary to successfully navigate the diligence of doctoral studies through immersion in mentored research experiences and scholarly activities.   This … Read more

EWU McNair and Research Transform Students Lives!

Dear EWU & TRIO Community and Students,   I am sure you remember our EWU McNair scholar Marixza Torres, a Frances B Huston Medallion recipient, who was accepted into the University of California, Irvin’s Ph.D. program in Human Development in Context (HDiC), fully funded! She also was accorded an Honorable Mention in the 2020 NSF … Read more

Thinking about Graduate School?

Hello Eags! Have you thought about attending graduate school? EWU TRIO McNair Program is seeking for first-generation, low-income students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor, apply for graduate school and attend right after college! If you like to know more, please visit our Website: https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/mcnair/ or send … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar, Abdulrazik Mohamed, presents research on Sudanese Diaspora in Newark, NJ and Washington, D.C.

Story by Cynthia Dukich EWU McNair Scholar Abdulrazik “Abdu” Mohamed (2018 cohort) recently returned from a TRIO McNair-sponsored research trip where he presented his research “Sudanese in Diaspora: Perceptions on the conflict in Darfur” at the 2019 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Newark, New Jersey, then traveled to Georgetown Law School and Capitol Hill to … Read more

McNair Scholar, Rosa Espinosa Zuniga, presents at Baylor University in Texas

Rosa Espinosa Zuniga presented her McNair research at the Baylor McNair Conference and Graduate School Fair on September 26 and 27 in Waco, TX. In addition to facilitating an engaging academic dialogue following her oral presentation, she met with potential graduate faculty in psychology as well as had the opportunity to network with McNair alumni … Read more

Ricardo Ely, McNair Scholar, and Judd A. Case Publish New Findings!

Phylogeny of a new gigantic paravian (Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Maniraptora) from the Upper Cretaceous of James Ross Island, Antarctica Ricardo Ely, McNair Scholar (read more about Ricardo)   Mentor: Dr. Judd A Case, Dept. of Biology at Eastern Washington University   Abstract: A description with phylogenetic analyses is provided for Imperobator antarcticus, gen. et sp. nov., an early … Read more