19 EWU Students Recruited for McNair’s 2021-2022 Cohort

19 Students Recruited for 2021-2022 Cohort

On February 18, EWU’s McNair Scholar Program selection committee met to review student application packets. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors who are first-generation and low-income college students, and/or from groups underrepresented at the doctoral level to introduce them to academic research and … Read more

EWU McNair Orientation: Honors Program

McNair Orientation, Honors Edition, November 3 at 3pm, 107 Monroe Hall, EWU

McNair will be holding an orientation meeting for students in EWU’s Honors Program on Wednesday November 3 at 3pm, in our offices at 107 Monroe Hall.   The EWU TRIO McNair Scholar Program is seeking students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor and attend graduate school after … Read more

McNair Orientation! October 19th and 26th

Interested in grad school? McNair can help!

Interested in grad school? The EWU TRIO McNair Scholar Program is seeking students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor and attend graduate school after graduation! The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU supports first-generation and low-income and/or racially under-represented students in higher education who … Read more

Thinking about Graduate School?

Hello Eags! Have you thought about attending graduate school? EWU TRIO McNair Program is seeking for first-generation, low-income students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor, apply for graduate school and attend right after college! If you like to know more, please visit our Website: https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/mcnair/ or send … Read more