EWU 101-01: University Organization

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Organization – General Provisions

EWU Policy 101-01 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: October 22, 2021 Proponent: University President

Purpose:  This policy describes the legal establishment, history, structure, and authorities relative to the organization of Eastern Washington University.

History: This is a revision to a previous version dated March 23, 2012. It was approved by the EWU Board of Trustees on October 22, 2021.

Chapter 1 – Establishment and Organization

1-1. General

This policy provides background information pertaining to the establishment of Eastern Washington University and to the organizational structure under which the university operates.

1-2. Legislative Authority Establishing and Governing the University

The legal authority under which Eastern Washington University exists and operates is set forth in chapters 28B.10 and 28B.35 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW).

1-3. History of the University

The university was established by law in the early days of statehood as the State Normal School and opened in October, 1890.  In 1937, the name of the university was changed to Eastern Washington College of Education.  In 1961, the legislature approved the name Eastern Washington State College.  In 1977, the legislature designated it Eastern Washington University.

1-4. Organization

  1. Established: The organization of the university for its operations will be established by the president with the approval of the board of trustees (cf. RCW 28B.35.120[4]).
  2. Organizational Chart: The organizational chart is revised periodically to reflect changes made in the organization.  The organizational chart is maintained by Human Resources and is accessible through their website.

1-5. Administrative Structure

  1. Established: The administrative structure of the university will be established by the president with the approval of the board of trustees and said structure shall be made known to the faculty and others in the university community by an organizational chart showing the overall plan and functional relationship of the various administrative offices.
  2. Major Administrative Officers: The major administrative officers of the university shall be designated by the president, subject to approval by the board of trustees. Personnel recommendations for these positions will be the responsibility of the president, after consultation and review of candidates with appropriate administrative officers, faculty and students.

Chapter 2 – Values, Mission and Vision

EWU is a regional, comprehensive public university located in Cheney and Spokane, Wash., with programs offered throughout the state and online.

2-1. Values

EWU is dedicated to the following key values:

  • Student-centered learning environment
  • Quality
  • Access
  • Inclusiveness
  • Integrity

2-2. Mission

EWU expands opportunities for personal transformation through excellence in learning.

EWU achieves this mission by:

  • fostering excellence in learning through quality academic programs, undergraduate and graduate student research and individual student-faculty interaction. Students extend their learning beyond the classroom through cocurricular programs, life skills development, internship programs, volunteering and service learning.
  • creating environments for personal transformation that enrich the lives of individuals, families, communities and society at large.
  • expanding opportunity for all students by providing critical access to first generation students, underserved populations, place-bound students, and other students who may not have the opportunity for higher education.
  • developing faculty and staff by growing and strengthening an intellectual community and supporting professional development.

2-3. Vision

EWU envisions a future of professionally, socially and culturally engaged leaders, citizens and communities.  EWU is a driving force for the culture, economy, workforce and vitality of Washington State. Our graduates think critically and make meaningful contributions to both their career fields and their communities.

Chapter 3 – Academic Provisions

3-1. Accreditation of the University

Eastern Washington University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The NWCCU has approved the qualifications of the faculty, the adequacy of the facilities and competence of the administration for the teaching of liberal arts and teacher education. Approval of Eastern’s programs is also provided by the Higher Education Coordinating Board/Council for Higher Education. Information relative to the accreditation and approval of individual colleges and programs may be acquired from those colleges and programs.

This university is approved by the United States Attorney General as an institution for nonquota immigrant students. It is also on the approved list of the American Association of University Women. The university has institutional membership in various national associations.

3-2. Online Identity Verification

In order to comply with regional accreditation requirements and federal regulations regarding online learning, EWU requires all instructors of online or hybrid classes to utilize at least one of the following methods of identity verification for online students:

    1. Students in online or hybrid courses must access the campus learning management system using their unique and secure EWU identity verification information (e.g. single-sign on). Electronic course work should be submitted only through the learning management system or the EWU email system.
    2. Instructors who do not wish to use the campus learning management system must implement an alternative identity verification process from the following options:
  • One remotely proctored examination using secure proctoring software;
  • One on-campus proctored examination with photo ID verification;
  • One videoconference or in-person meeting with the instructor with photo ID verification with submission of major assignment or exam; or,
  • Three or more mandatory on-campus sessions with graded activities distributed throughout the term.

Authentication methods should be consistent among multiple sections of the same course. Departments and programs are responsible for enforcement of additional authentication measures.

3-3. State Authorization Compliance Policy

a. Verification of Residence: In order to comply with state and federal policies regarding professional certification and licensure, EWU requires that all students verify their current physical residence at the time of application and initial registration. Students are also required to provide updates to the academic program if their physical residence changes. “Physical residence” means where the student is currently residing, not their permanent address.

b. Requirements for Licensure or Certification: For programs that are designed to meet the educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation, each program must determine the reciprocity details for licensure and certification between Washington and other states. Programs must maintain and annually update a list of states in which the program’s educational requirements:

  1. Satisfy state requirements for licensure or certification;
  2. Do not satisfy state requirements for licensure or certification; and,
  3. Cannot be or have not been determined to meet/not meet state requirements for licensure or certification.

This list must be published on the program’s external website and updated annually. Programs must designate a single contact for questions regarding licensure and certification reciprocity.

c. Mandatory Disclosures: Programs must send disclosure notifications regarding reciprocity to all:

  1. Potential students making an inquiry to the program who identify their current physical location as outside of Washington;
  2. Prospective students located outside of Washington at the time of application;
  3. Students located outside of Washington at the point of registration; and,
  4. Students who notify the program that their location has changed to a new location outside of Washington.

Programs must respond to current students who report a current physical location change to another state within 14 days of receiving notice. If it is determined that a program does not meet educational requirements for licensure or certification in a specific state, current students must be notified within 14 days of such determination.

d. Content of Disclosures: The disclosures required by paragraph (c) must include:

  1. Accurate information regarding licensure and certification reciprocity between Washington and the state in which the potential student, applicant, or current student resides. If a program is in the process of determining reciprocity with that state, the program must indicate that they are currently assembling reciprocity information but are not yet able to determine reciprocity arrangements with the state in which the individual resides.
  2. A statement indicating that requirements may change over time and vary from state to state.
  3. Current contact information for the appropriate state licensure board or agency in the state where the student resides.
  4. A requirement that an applicant or current student responds within a period of time specified by the department, affirming their intent to proceed in the program after receiving the notification.