EWU 204-01: Space Utilization

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EWU Policy 204-01 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: June 22, 2023 Proponent:  Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs & Business & Finance

Purpose: Eastern Washington University is accountable for the use of all facilities on campus. EWU is required to submit space inventory and utilization data to the Office of Financial Management on an annual basis. This policy prescribes the process for identifying and assigning space on campus.

History: This policy is new. It was approved by the Board of Trustees on June 22, 2023.

Applicability: This policy applies to all campus facilities, except for those explicitly exempted below.

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Assignment of Space
Chapter 3 – Space Request & Review Process
Chapter 4 – Annual Report


1-1. Overview & Scope

Space, which includes both indoor and outdoor spaces, is a central resource to the campus. The assignment of space shall be conducted in a consistent manner designed to optimize the use of this resource and to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the campus. This policy addresses existing space, vacated space and relocation to existing space. No unit, department or division “owns” the space that has been assigned to it. All University personnel are charged with ensuring the best use of space. University space resources should be utilized in the most efficient and effective manner to best serve programmatic and strategic goals.

All campus facilities, including leased facilities, are subject to this process except:

  • Space and facilities reserved for auxiliaries, such as housing, the Pence Union Building, and the University Recreation Center;
  • Space utilized for Early Head Start programs;
  • Space rented from Washington State University or Bellevue College; and,
  • Construction of a new building, which has a separate process for determining space utilization.

1-2. Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC)

The Space Planning Advisory Committee has been tasked with reviewing individual requests for the assignment and reassignment of existing space in accordance with EWU guidelines. The committee will compile its recommendations and forward to the Executive Leadership Team for consideration and decision. The Space Planning Advisory Committee will consist of the following:

Voting members:

  • Associate Vice President (AVP) for Facilities and Planning (Committee Chair)
  • One (1) person represented from each of the Vice Presidents
  • One (1) appointee from the President’s Office
  • One (1) appointee from the Faculty Senate
  • One (1) appointee from the Associated Students of EWU

Staff to the committee includes, but is not limited to, a designee from the Chief Information Officer, Registrar’s Office, and the Administrative Specialist from Construction & Planning.


All campus space is university property and is intended for the delivery of programmatic services for which the space was designed, approved and funded. The Associate Vice President for Facilities and Planning has the responsibility to maintain the Space Utilization Report and ensure that all facility usage conforms to the database, applicable laws and policies.

This policy addresses the assignment of space in three distinct categories:

  1. Existing Space
  2. Vacated Space
  3. Relocation to Existing Space

2-1. Existing Space

Each vice president is accountable for the utilization of existing building space assigned to the division or to the college in accordance with the designated usage and applicable utilization standards. If a vice president wants (1) a reassignment of a space, (2) a change in the type of space classification or (3) a physical alteration of a space, the AVP for Facilities and Planning shall be consulted on the proposed use. The AVP for Facilities and Planning will determine if the reassignment of space is compatible with the existing space classification and will share the request with the Space Planning Advisory Committee as needed.

Space inventory data will be reviewed annually to ensure that no space has been reclassified without complete adherence to all applicable rules and procedures. Space standards will be used to gauge space needs. Reclassification shall be analyzed and reviewed as set forth under Chapter 3.

Reassignments of space between individuals that is currently assigned to a specific department must be communicated to Construction & Planning Services.   Departments shall provide Construction & Planning Services with the office function, occupant name, department and phone number by submitting a customer request on the Space Planning Advisory Committee website. Construction & Planning Services will update EWU’s space planning software accordingly and will share the information with Banner. Reassignment of individuals to different spaces within a department does not have to be submitted to the Space Planning Advisory Committee for review.  However, if the functional use of the office changes or renovations are required, then a request to Space Planning Advisory Committee shall be initiated under Chapter 3 by submitting a request on the Space Planning Advisory Committee website.

2-2. Vacated Space

When it is determined that a space will be vacated by moving a program to a new space or by canceling a program, a reclassification of the space will occur or the space will be held as “unassigned” inventory until further decisions are made. When space is vacated, the appropriate vice president or designee will notify Construction & Planning Services. Construction & Planning Services will review and analyze the space parameters, submit recommendations to the Space Planning Advisory Committee for review under Chapter 3.

Vacant or vacated space will be held as “unassigned” inventory.  This space will be used by the Space Planning Advisory Committee when evaluating departmental requests for additional or new space.  Unassigned space will not be available for university use until it is assigned through the Space Planning Advisory Committee process.

2-3. Relocation to Existing Space or Request for Existing Space

A department or university entity seeking existing available space shall submit their request by following the process as outlined on the Space Planning Advisory Committee website. Requests must be submitted by the vice president or designee or, for disability accommodation requests, by Human Resources. The AVP for Facilities and Planning will review the programmatic requirement and assess the space needs according to the EWU Space Planning Standards.  After review, the office of Construction & Planning Services will submit recommendations to the Space Planning Advisory Committee in accordance with Chapter 3.


Any department seeking approval for reclassification, assignment, or reassignment of space, shall follow the space utilization process as outlined on the Space Planning Advisory Committee website. Requests must be approved in advance by the applicable vice president before a request is submitted and should be submitted by the vice president or designee.

The Space Planning Advisory Committee will review requests and make recommendations. Such recommendations will be shared with the appropriate vice president for their input and consideration prior to being forwarded to the Executive Leadership Team. The Executive Leadership Team will consider the Space Planning Advisory Committee’s recommendations and input from the applicable vice president prior to making a final decision. The Executive Leadership Team will make all final decisions regarding space allocations.


Each year, Construction & Planning Services and the Space Planning Advisory Committee will provide an updated inventory of campus space to the Executive Leadership Team. EWU will also update the facilities inventory with the Office of Financial Management.

Each biennium, as support for the capital request, the University is required to provide the Office of Financial Management with utilization rates for average contact hours for FICM classifications 110 (General University Classrooms) and 210 (Teaching Laboratories).