EWU 901-06: Hazing Prevention

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Standards of Conduct

EWU Policy 901-06 Authority: Board of Trustees
Effective: December 9, 2022 Proponent: University President

Purpose: This policy prescribes standards for the prevention and response to hazing acts.

History: This policy is new. It was approved by the Board of Trustees on December 9, 2022.


Eastern Washington University is committed to the prevention of hazing within the university community. All members of the university community, including recognized student organizations and athletic teams, are responsible for complying with this policy and The Sam’s Law Act, RCW 28B.10.900 et seq.


2-1. Hazing Prohibited

Students, student organizations, employees, volunteers, and program participants are prohibited from engaging in or conspiring to engage in hazing. This prohibition applies to conduct both on and off campus. In addition to this policy, the Student Conduct Code, WAC 172-121, also prohibits hazing.

Hazing is defined as:

  1. Any act committed as part of a person’s recruitment, initiation, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student organization, athletic team or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization, athletic team or living group
  2. that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm,
  3. to any student or program participant (e.g. camp attendee) at the university.

Examples of hazing include, but are not limited to, causing, directing, coercing, or forcing a person to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance that subjects the person to risk of bodily danger, physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate in such conduct. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions.

In addition to violating university policy, hazing is a crime under RCW 9A.20.021.

2-2. Knowingly Permitting Hazing Prohibited

Student organizations, associations, athletic teams, and living groups are prohibited from knowingly permitting hazing to be conducted either by their members or by other persons subject to their direction and control. If the organization, association, or student living group is a corporation whether for profit or nonprofit, the individual directors of the corporation may be held individually liable for damages caused by the hazing.

2-3. Loss of Recognition and Aid

In accordance with RCW 28B.10.902, a person who is found responsible for participating in hazing forfeits entitlement to state-funded grants, scholarships or awards for a period of time as determined by the university. Additionally, any organization, association, athletic team, or student living group that knowingly permits hazing to be conducted by its members or by others subject to its direction or control will have its university recognition revoked.

Allegations of violations of this chapter by students or student organizations and associations are addressed under the Student Conduct Code, WAC 172-121.


If, as a result of observations or information received in the course of employment or volunteer service, a university employee or volunteer has reasonable cause to believe hazing has occurred, the employee/volunteer is required to report the incident at the first opportunity to do so to:

Student Rights and Responsibilities
125 Showalter Hall
Cheney, WA 99004

“Reasonable cause” means a person who witnesses hazing or receives a credible written or oral report alleging hazing or potential or planned hazing activity. Licensed psychological counselors in Counseling & Wellness Services are not considered mandatory reporters. Hazing may also be reported to law enforcement.

All sororities and fraternities must notify the university if they initiate an investigation into hazing consistent with the requirements of RCW 28B.10.908.


Under the direction of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the University will maintain a hazing prevention committee to promote hazing prevention consistent with RCW 28B.10.905.

The University will provide training to new students during orientation on the dangers of hazing and this policy. Student training will be posted on EWU’s website. New employees are also required to participate in hazing awareness and reporting training.


Student Rights and Responsibilities will publish an annual report of hazing investigations on its website consistent with RCW 28B.10.906.