WAC 172-132: Course Materials

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Effective: April 2, 2009

WAC 172-132-010 


The purpose of this chapter is to reduce overall costs of course materials for students by implementing measures designed to encourage use of less costly materials without sacrificing educational content.

WAC 172-132-020 


Throughout this chapter, the following definitions apply.

  • “Materials” means any supplies or texts required or recommended by faculty or staff for a given course.
  • “Bundled” means a group of objects joined together by packaging or required to be purchased as an indivisible unit.

WAC 172-132-030

Cost savings for course materials

The Eastern Washington University Bookstore will:

  • provide students the option of purchasing materials that are unbundled whenever possible;
  • disclose to faculty and staff the costs to students of purchasing materials and disclose retail costs for course materials on a per course basis to faculty and staff and make this information publicly available;
  • disclose publicly how new editions vary from previous editions by providing the contact information for the publisher;
    • When a new edition of a textbook is ordered by faculty, the bookstore will notify them of the retail cost change to the students if this information is available. The bookstore will also inquire if students may use the old edition if it is available.
    • The bookstore will provide notice that this is a new edition, and whether or not the student may use the old edition.
  • promote and publicize book buy-back programs;
  • encourage faculty and staff to consider the least costly practices in assigning course materials, such as adopting the least expensive edition available when educational content is comparable as determined by the faculty and working closely with publishers and local bookstores to create bundles and packages if they deliver cost savings to students.