On the 4th of February 2021, the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Fighting Eagles Battalion conducted training on Actions On Contact (AOC) and Linear Danger Area (LDA) crossings at the Cheney Waterworks property near the EWU campus. The Cadets began the training by drawing equipment and holding accountability formation.
During the training the Cadets used movement formations such as the squad file, squad line and squad column fire team wedge to move through the wooded terrain. They also used the movement techniques traveling, traveling overwatch and bounding overwatch which are utilized in different situations depending on time restrictions, maneuverability, and if enemy contact is likely or not. It is ultimately up to the squad leader to determine which is used. During movement the cadets were then engaged by an enemy opposing force to get them to practice their react to contact drills.
LDA’s come up when doing large movements. A few examples of these are power line areas, or even large grassy fields where cover and concealment is limited. As leaders in the army, Cadets are required to know how to manage these areas without putting soldiers’ lives in harms way.
All of the skills the Cadets trained on are important to master to prepare them for ROTC Advanced Camp held each summer at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Advanced Camp is expected to occur this summer and our Cadets will be ready to excel. Eagle Strong!
Note: You can see and download more pictures from the leadership lab from our EWU Army ROTC Flickr page.