Meet the Editors!

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Noelle Bowden— Head Editor

Hi, I'm Noelle! I am a double major in Creative Writing and Art, Finishing my last year in the BFA program. After I graduate I am doing a residency at the Hive, making art and probably having the time of my life. I love poetry and nature.

Follow your bliss!

Headshot Photo

Samuel Cash  — Head Fiction Editor

Samuel Cash is a junior at EWU majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. He has been writing all his life and is a proud author of a novel and several short stories. Short stories and novels are a strong suit, but he loves all types of writing.


Brandi Permin — Head Art Editor

Hey, I’m Brandi! I am part of the BFA program with minors in Art History and Creative Writing. My goal after I graduate is to get more involved in the arts - writing, illustrating, possibly tattooing, hopefully starting some public murals - and seeing where that takes me.


Meg Rice — Head Poetry Editor

Hello, I am Meg Rice and I am a poet that spends too much time reading fiction. You can find me buried in books, both for school and pleasure, while enjoying a good cup of earl grey. Don’t forget to take it easy.


Brandon Welte — Head Non-Fiction Editor

My name is Brandon Welte and I’m double majoring in creative writing and philosophy. I’m from Minnesota and I lived briefly in Florida and Alaska before moving to Washington. I met my wife while living in Tri Cities and once we’re done attending EWU we hope to travel abroad and move to the Seattle area. I enjoy plenty of indoor and outdoor activities, and especially enjoy learning and challenging myself to grow. I’m excited to be the head non-fiction editor for Northwest Boulevard and look forward to reading some amazing creative works!