Annual Security and Fire

Safety (Clery) Reports

The Annual Security and Fire Safety (Clery) Report is provided in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Act of 1998 and the associated amendments including the recently adopted Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.  Federal Regulations (34 CFR Part 668), requires a copy of the Clery report to be provided to current and prospective employees and students.

This report provides the campus community transparency around campus crime policy and statistics to allow the community to make informed decisions about safety. The report includes:

  • Crime statistics for the prior three years;
  • Protocols for warning the campus community of an emergency or threat;
  • Rights and options for reporting crimes;
  • Detail of prevention education and awareness programs; and
  • Policy information on building safety, emergency drills and how to report a crime.

Eastern Washington University Police Department will provide a paper copy of the this report upon request. To request the report call 509.359.6310 or email