Current Mask Requirements

EWU follows the Department of Health and Department of Labor and Industries' requirements for masks.


  • Masks are optional in most indoor and outdoor spaces.

  • Anyone who wishes to continue wearing a mask is encouraged to do so.

  • EWU asks that everyone be understanding, respectful and considerate of individual choices to mask or not to mask.

  • Masks are still required in the following situations:

    • In medical facilities on campus, including the Counseling & Wellness Center, dental hygiene clinic, speech and hearing clinic, and any other medical care facilities on campus.
    • On public transportation when required by federal law.
    • Early Head Start program per federal requirements.
  • To maintain consistency throughout campus, individual departments and employees are not permitted to have their own mask rules.

More details about the mask mandate and exceptions may be found in the WA State Secretary of Health Order locate here.

Supply Requests

EWU departments may request COVID supplies using an online form at:

Additional Questions or Concerns?

Students: please contact Counseling & Wellness Services at 509-359-2366 or

Faculty & Staff: please contact Risk Management at

Questions or concerns about EWU's COVID protocols may also be submitted online at: