Fighting Eagles Cadets Commemorate Memorial Day With Fallen Heroes Ceremony

On May 22nd, 2019 the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) battalion conducted its first of what is planned to be an annual Fallen Heroes Ceremony in rememberance of the 10 former Cadets and 1 Cadre member from EWU that were killed on combat tours.  The ceremony was held at the Roos Field football stadium on the Eastern campus.

Cannon Crew members Cadet Bryce and Kyle Stanton salute during the playing of the National Anthem. 

The Eastern ROTC program known as the “Fighting Eagles” battalion has been producing leaders for the US military since 1952. In the early years of the program all males that attended Eastern had to enroll for two years into ROTC. This caused the program to have over 1,000 Cadets. With the conclusion of the Vietnam War and the end of mandatory military service, Eastern no longer required all males to enroll in ROTC. Today the battalion maintains a size of approximately 100 Cadets.

MS-IV Cadet Scott Hinshaw served as the narrator for the Fallen Heroes Ceremony.

However, it was during the Vietnam era when the ROTC battalion was at its largest, that the program experienced its combat fatalities.  A total of 10x Fighting Eagles alumni and 1x Cadre member from Eastern have been killed in combat during the Vietnam War. Of these heroes, 1x received the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest award for valor, 1x more received the Distinguished Service Cross the nation’s second highest medal for valor, 3x more received Silver Star Medals, the nation’s third highest honor for valor, and 2x more received the Bronze Star, the nation’s fourth highest medal for valor. It is these fallen heroes that we gather here today to commemorate.

Professor of Military Science, LTC Jonathan Stafford addresses the audience during the Fallen Heroes Ceremony.

At the ceremony a Table of Honor was set up with biographical plaques for each of our Fallen Heroes:

Table of Honor with biography for each Fallen Hero.

Below are the Fallen Heroes from the EWU ROTC battalion with the year they graduated or attended ROTC followed by major awards they received:

  • LTC Bob Gregory – Assistant PMS 1961-1962 (Distinguished Service Cross)
  • 1LT Randall Arney – 1967 Graduate
  • MAJ Richard Ator – 1962 Graduate (Silver Star & Bronze Star)
  • PFC Timothy Burchett – ROTC member from 1966-1968 (Silver Star)
  • SFC Bruce Grandstaff – ROTC member from 1952-1954 (Medal of Honor)
  • 1LT Victor Hodson – 1968 Graduate
  • 1LT Owen McCandlis – 1968 Graduate
  • 1LT Randy Turner – 1968 Graduate (Silver Star)
  • 1LT Richard Walker – 1967 Graduate
  • 1LT William Wall – 1968 Graduate (Bronze Star)
  • LT Ronald Wolfe – 1961 graduate

During the ceremony a short biography for each Eastern Cadet and Cadre member killed in action was read to the audience.  After the completion of the biography, our historic howitzer that saw combat action in the European theater of World War II was fired in their honor.  Our cannon is usually fired in support of the home football team, but today it was fired 11 times in honor of our university’s Fallen Heroes.

The Cannon Crew fires our historic World War II pack howitzer. 

The casualties of war are not only those who died in battle, but also the families they left behind. President Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President, wrote of “…the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom,” in a letter during the Civil War to a mother who lost five sons. Each of the heroes we remembered today all had families that loved them dearly as well.

Please keep them and all the military servicemembers who made the ultimate sacrifice close to your heart this Memorial Day weekend and throughout the rest of the year.

EWU ROTC Servicemember Recognized as the Greater Spokane Armed Forces Person of the Year

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) battalion has a long tradition of commissioning quality officers trained by outstanding Cadre.  Today one of our outstanding Cadre members, Sergeant First Class (SFC) Jason Hennig demonstrated how talented our Cadre is by being recognized as the Greater Spokane Armed Forces Person of the Year.

This year was the  63rd anniversary of the event that recognizes the outstanding military servicemembers and first responders in the Greater Spokane region.  The ceremony was held at the historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane.  Nominations for the award were solicited from military units from across the Spokane region.  All nominees were then interviewed by a panel of volunteer judges comprised of local business leaders and retired military officers.  From these interviews the finalists were brought in for a second interview.  The finalists were selected by the criteria of: responsibilities and accomplishments, appearance, poise and courtesy, leadership qualities, education and training, decorations, awards and honors, and community involvement and civic activities.

SFC Henning (center) is awarded the Greater Spokane Armed Forces Person of the Year Award

SFC Hennig was the only active duty Army servicemember nominated for the award that has traditionally been won by the Air Force due to the presence of Fairchild Air Force Base located to the west of Spokane.  Sergeant First Class Hennig who serves as the Senior Military Science Instructor for the EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” battalion, has a long history of outstanding military professionalism.  For example, earlier this year he was named the US Army Cadet Command Instructor of the Year out of the 274-ROTC programs across the nation.

ROTC Impact

SFC Hennig has been nothing, but a positive influence on the young men and women that make up the EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” battalion.  For example he was a driving force in preparing our MS-III (Junior) Cadets for Advanced Camp.  Advanced Camp is held each summer at Ft. Knox, Kentucky and the 37 day event is the culmination of three years of intense training in the ROTC program.  All Cadets must pass Advanced Camp to commission as an officer into the US Army and must perform well to improve their chances of receiving their top branch choice.  All 19 EWU ROTC Cadets passed Advanced Camp with 12 of 19 (63%) of them receiving outstanding or excellent scores.  These high scores helped 11 of the 14 Cadets commissioning this year to receive their first branch choice in the Army.  This 78% success rate was greater than the Cadet Command average of 60%.

SFC Hennig also helped with organizing many great Cadet activities such as the Expert Fighting Eagle Badge (EFEB) competition that tests Cadets on basic Soldier skills.  Cadets that pass this test are awarded an EFEB to wear on their Cadet uniform.  The challenging competition is one of the ways EWU ROTC Cadets are prepared to succeed at Advanced Camp.  SFC Hennig also assisted with organizing the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (GAFPB) testing that saw 167 Cadets, Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors travel to the EWU campus to compete for the badge.  Due to SFC Hennig’s training plan, the Fighting Eagles battalion had the highest number pass the test with 26-personnel receiving a GAFPB.

University and Community Impact

Besides being a great instructor in the ROTC program, SFC Hennig has also been selected as a guest speaker for classes in the EWU Department of Women and Gender Studies. His guest lectures have focused on the US Army’s sexual assault prevention program and the role of women in the Army. He was also invited to serve as a motivational speaker for the women’s soccer team prior to their opening game in the conference tournament.  SFC Hennig has been very active in the local community as well. He serves as a Cub Scout Leader for Pack 258 in Spokane, which consists of weekly den meetings and bi weekly weekend events such as Scouting Out Hunger and visiting senior centers.

From everyone in the ROTC “Fighting Eagles” battalion we wish SFC Hennig a big congratulations for winning this prestigious award and being such a positive representation for the Army and EWU to the local community.  A well deserved recognition for a talented and dedicated NCO.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!  

Fighting Eagles Cadets Help Support JROTC Training at EWU

On Friday, May 10, 2019 Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Cadets from Wellpinit and Walla Walla High Schools traveled to Eastern Washington University (EWU) to conduct training.  Wellpinit High School is located on the Spokane Indian Reservation and Walla Walla High School is located in southern Washington State.  The JROTC Cadets first conducted training on the High Ropes Course on the EWU campus.

A JROTC Cadet from Wellpinit High School scales a rope ladder at the EWU High Ropes Course

The high ropes course required the JROTC Cadets to work as a team to climb up obstacles anywhere from 25-40 feet in height.  During the course of the training there was a lot of “I can’t do this” statements from the Cadets that was eventually changed to “I did it” after they successfully overcame the obstacles by working together as a team.

JROTC Cadets work as a team to overcome an obstacle on the High Ropes Course.

Cadets from the EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” battalion were on hand to help and encourage the JROTC Cadets during their training.

EWU ROTC Cadet Andrew Norby conducts an After Action Review with the JROTC Cadets after completing an obstacle on the High Ropes Course.

The next event the JROTC Cadets conducted was rappelling off the high tower located at the Spokane County Fire Department in Cheney.  The Cadets first practiced rappelling off of a smaller wall before each of them rappelled off the high tower.  There was a learning curve and a few bumps and bruises, but the Cadets quickly became proficient in rappelling.

A JROTC Cadet from Walla Walla High School rappels off a high tower.

Overall, it was a fantastic training event executed by the Walla Walla and Wellpinit High School JROTC programs.  The Cadets from the EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” battalion really enjoyed supporting the training and providing positive encouragement to the very motivated JROTC Cadets.

Go JROTC!   Go Fighting Eags!

Graduation Season Begins for EWU ROTC’s Fighting Eagles Cadets

WSU College of Nursing Convocation

Over the past five days the graduation season for the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) has begun.  Last Thursday two of our “Fighting Eagles” battalion nursing Cadets participated in the Washington State University College of Nursing Convocation ceremony.  The ceremony was held at the historic Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox in downtown Spokane.

The Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox in downtown Spokane.

The FOX theater was built back in 1931 in an art deco style.  It has been completely renovated in recent years and is an architectural landmark in downtown Spokane.

Interior of the Fox theater.

During the Convocation Ceremony the graduates receive a special nursing pin presented by nursing professionals or family members.  Historians trace this tradition back to the 12th Century when knights during the Crusades cared for their wounded.  When new monks were brought into the Knights Order to care for wounded and sick troops, a special ceremony was held where each monk was given a Maltese cross to wear on their arm.

Cadet Candace Madriaga receives her nursing pin from her family.

Cadet Hayley Primm receives her nursing pin from her family.

Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War was honored with the Red Cross of St. George for her efforts to care for wounded British troops.  She in turn began awarding medals to nurses she trained.  Nightingale would go on to be considered the founder of modern nursing.  In the United States, nursing schools instead of giving medals to new nurses, started issuing pins during a special ceremony.  Our EWU ROTC nursing Cadets, Candace Madriaga and Hayley Primm had to the opportunity to experience this special ceremony.  Congratulations to our two outstanding new nurses.

Florence Nightingale

For anyone interested in learning more about becoming a Nurse through the EWU ROTC program please click the below link.

Running Start Graduation

This week we had more Fighting Eagles Cadets who graduated from the EWU Running Start Program.  Running Start is a program that allows qualified high school juniors and seniors to attend college classes at EWU.

The college classes that the Running Start students can enroll in includes Military Science.  Currently 10% of the Fighting Eagles battalion Cadets are either currently in Running Start or were part of Running Start prior to contracting into the EWU ROTC program.  This includes two of our prior Running Start students that are commissioning this year as Second Lieutenants.  Congratulations to our 2019 Running Start graduates.

The bulk of our EWU ROTC Cadets will be graduating on June 15th to close out or 2019 academic year graduation season.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

Thank a Nurse In Recognition of National Nurses Week

For anyone that sees a nurse this week make sure to thank them in recognition of National Nurses Week that runs from 6-12 May.  This week was selected in honor of Florence Nightingale who was born on May 12, 1820.  Ms. Nightingale is widely considered the founder of modern nursing.  She came to prominence managing and training nurses to care for injured British soldiers during the Crimean War.  In 1860, Ms. Nightingale established a professional nursing school at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. It was the first secular nursing school in the world, and is now part of King’s College London.  Nurses in the United States take an oath after becoming a nurse called the Nightingale Pledge.

Florence Nightingale

For anyone interested in continuing the work of Florence Nightingale and becoming a professional nurse, the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program graduates nursing Cadets every year.  After graduation the nurses serve on Active Duty or in the US Army Reserve in the US Army Nurse Corps.

(Left) Cadet Koby Binks, an ROTC graduate of the WSU College of Nursing, receives the Norton Healthcare Award for nurse cadets at Cadet Summer Training. Photo by Mattie Cook. (Right) Candace Madriaga, an ROTC student at the WSU College of Nursing, was honored with the Norton Healthcare Award at Cadet Summer Training. Photo by Madison Thompson.

Our nurse Cadets complete their first two to three years of Nursing and ROTC pre-requisites on Eastern’s Cheney campus. Nursing Cadets complete their final two years at the Washington State University (WSU) College of Nursing in downtown Spokane.  The WSU College of Nursing reserves seats in each class for ROTC Nurses that achieve their admissions standards.

Nurses in ROTC complete the same training requirements as other Cadets. However, our program has several options to manage Nursing Cadets through the rigors and demands of a tough academic field while completing ROTC requirements.  One of the best benefits available is the financial support provided by a ROTC scholarship.

Army ROTC Nursing Scholarship Benefits: 

  • Full tuition OR room and board and all mandatory fees
  • Book stipend up to $1,200 per year
  • A monthly stipend of $420
  • Required student nurse uniforms and clinical supplies
  • Nurse malpractice insurance (provides coverage during clinical rotations)
  • Milestone Recognition Awards (based on progress through the program)
  • Littman stethoscope ($200.00 value)
  • NCLEX-RN review materials and fees and the licensure testing fee and a drug guide ($950.00 value)

Learn more about the EWU ROTC program and Army Nursing by clicking the link below:

Go ROTC!  Go Army Nursing!

Fighting Eagles Cadets Recognized During 2019 Award Ceremony

EWU ROTC 2019 Award Ceremony

On May 2, 2019 the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program conducted its annual Award Ceremony.  The ceremony was held in the Reading Room of the historic Hargreaves Hall on the EWU campus.  The Award Ceremony is an opportunity for various organizations in the Spokane region to recognize outstanding EWU ROTC Cadets.  It is also an opportunity to recognize Cadets with awards they received through national competitive nominations.  Below are the pictures of all the presenters and Cadets that received awards during the Ceremony.  Big thank you to all the organizations, EWU faculty, alumni, and supporters that came out to support out Fighting Eagles Cadets.  Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

Michor Gentemann presents the Association of the United States Army award to Cadet Kylie Crooks. Cadet Crooks stewardship contributed greatly to advance the military science department.

Michor Gentemann presents the Association of the United States Army Military History Award to Cadet Ian House. Cadet House has demonstrated the ability to balance Military Science requirements, extracurriculars and academics while maintaining a solid GPA.

Cadets Christian Goldbach and Jennafer Knight please come forward. Larry Neil presents the U.S. Reserve Officers Association awards. These Cadets are recognized for their contribution to advance the objectives of ROTC through citizenship, knowledge of civic responsibility, military orientation, self-discipline, and work ethic. Cadet Goldbach earned the Silver award and Cadet Knight earned the Bronze award. Congratulations to these Cadets.

LTC Stafford presents the Daughters of the Founders and Patriots of America award to Cadet Patrick Coleman. Cadet Coleman is recognized for displaying a high degree of excellence in military knowledge, leadership potential and reflects the ideals of patriotism.

John Davis presents the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War to Cadet Megan Baker. Cadet Baker epitomizes a high degree of patriotism, academic performance, and leadership.

Steven Epperson, Rob Weaks and Ken Holmes present the Special Forces Association Major General Robert Frederick Award to Cadet Josiah Bryan. Cadet Bryan earned this award for his incredibly sound tactical judgment.

Dean Wilson presents the American Legion Military and Scholastic Excellence awards to Cadets Scott Hinshaw and Jacob Villasenor. For Military Excellence, Cadets Hinshaw and Villasenor demonstrated academic excellence and a high level of military knowledge and leadership and discipline. Cadet Hinshaw earned the ‘gold’ award and Cadet Villasenor receives the ‘silver’ award.

For Scholastic Excellence, Cadets Bryce Stanton and Samantha Knight demonstrated scholastic excellence as well as the maturity and professional bearing that set an outstanding example for others. Cadet Stanton receives the ‘gold’ award and Cadet Knight receives the ‘silver’ award. Congratulations to each of these recipients.

Curlie Werner presents Cadet Emma LaTour the National Sojourners award. She demonstrated the ideals of Americanism, and she possesses the potential for outstanding leadership.

Curlie Werner presents the Scottish Rite Americanism Award to Cadet Cheyenne Sweet. Cadet Sweet distinguishes herself by exhibiting qualities of dependability, good character, citizenship and patriotism.

Randy Howard and Terry Lowery presents the Military Order of the Purple Heart Award to Cadet Austin Pfennig. Cadet Pfennig distinguished himself by demonstrating outstanding leadership as well as being active in the community, school, and ROTC.

LTC Stafford presents the Military Order of the World Wars ‘gold, silver, & bronze’ awards. These Cadets have distinguished themselves scholastically and by excelling in ROTC.

Cadet Guzman receives the Gold medal.

Cadet Drohman receives the Silver medal.

Cadet Burnside receives the Bronze medal.

Stan Wills presents the Sons of the American Revolution award to Cadet Evan Lien. Cadet Lien is recognized for showing a high degree of merit in military qualities, soldierly bearing, and all around excellence in ROTC.

Stan Wills presents the General Society of the War of 1812 award to Cadet Christopher Milward. Cadet Millward distinguished himself through a positive attitude, outstanding participation, and leadership attributes.

Mike Sevy presents the United Services Automobile Association Spirit Award to Cadet Jameson Palmer. Cadet Palmer was selected for his dedication to the community, university, and ROTC program.

LTC Stafford presents the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association award to Cadet Robert Wheeler. Cadet Wheeler has exemplified academic success and discipline as an engineering major while participating in his MSIII year of ROTC.

LTC Stafford presents the 101st Airborne Division Association Award Oregon Cascade Chapter to Cadet Coy Odiorne. Cadet Odiorne is in the top third of the ROTC class, and he possesses the traits of valor and fidelity requisite for an Airborne Soldier.

Dan Hillman presents the Veterans of Foreign Wars Award to Cadet Chad Triplett. Cadet Triplett has distinguished himself in ROTC through his diligence and concentrated effort in many areas of character and military leadership.

LTC Stafford presents the National Defense Transportation Association Award to Cadet John Howard, which he earned through a competitive process within our brigade. Cadet Howard distinguishes himself for outstanding accomplishments in logistics and leadership abilities, and he is branching into the Transportation Corps.

LTC Stafford presents the American Veterans of World War II award to Cadet Kyle Stanton. Cadet Stanton distinguished himself by his demonstrated discharge of duty and willingness to serve. Cadet Stanton sets a high standard in leadership and dedication to the Army and ROTC program.

LTC Stafford presents the Superior Cadet Decoration award to Cadets Bryce Stanton, Samantha Knight, Valentino Olmstead and Isabelle Erickson.  These awards are presented to the Cadet of each class who are ranked number one based on overall grades, fitness and military excellence.

LTC Stafford presents the ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate Award to Cadets Bryce and Kyle Stanton. These cadets have distinguished themselves on the basis of moral character, military aptitude, academics and demonstrated leadership ability. Distinguished Military Graduates rank in the top 20 percent of Army ROTC graduates nationwide. Bryce also represented the Fighting Eagles at the George C. Marshall seminar.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Andreas Brazier. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Kyle Collins. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Liam Hewey. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Everett Kuhnel. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Lucas McCune. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Sara Polello. She has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Olivia Roble. She has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Ethan Smart. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

LTC Stafford presents the EWU Army ROTC Certificate of Recognition and a plaque to Cadet Jacob Whitmer. He has displayed outstanding academic and leadership attributes in ROTC, the community, and the University.

Cadet Erling Anderson earned the Reserve Officer Association Gold Award and the Society of the American Military Engineers Award. Cadet Anderson earned the engineer award through a competitive process within our brigade.  Due to a class conflict Cadet Anderson was not able to attend, but his mother accepted the award on his behalf.

Cadet Haley Bent due to a class conflict was not able to attend the ceremony.  She earned the Daughters of the American Revolution Award, the National Defense Industrial Association Award, and the Cadet of the Year award. She also graduates as a Distinguished Military Graduate. She also represented the Fighting Eagles Battalion at the Mission Command Conference at West Point, New York.

SGT Timothy Bowes (National Guard), Felicia Jensen (Deans Office), Courtney Susemiehl (Philanthropy), SFC Eddie Quimby (USAREC), and the Spokane County Fire District #3: Station 31 were recognized with certificates and tokens in appreciation of their support to the ROTC program over the past year.

LTC Jonathan Stafford awards a Meritorious Service Medal to Sergeant First Class (SFC) Jason Hennig for his two years of outstanding dedication and performance to the Fighting Eagles Battalion.