
If you're ready to sign up...


Registration begins with making contact with the director of the Successful Stutter Management Program. The director will contact you and set up a time to talk and further ensure that our program is a good fit for you. Feel free to send the director an email (click on the Contact Us tab and send an email or call or text the director’s phone number as posted). The director of the SSMP will provide you with information on how to move forward with registration.


The cost of the program can vary from year to year. That said, tuition for our program is usually around $1500 for first time attendees.


We are also able to offer a scholarship program for those who need assistance with our tuition fee. You can receive more information on our SSMP tuition scholarship by contacting the director of our program (click on the Contact Us tab and send an email or call or text the directors phone number as posted).

Moving Forward with Registration

After speaking with the director of the SSMP, here are the links you will need for moving forward with registration.

Client Questions

Parent/Guardian Questions

Payment Portal

Questions? Let Us Know!