Welcome to the Space Planning Advisory Committee Website
Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC).
The Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) addresses the use of existing space, vacated space and relocation to existing space at Eastern Washington University.
SPAC has been tasked with reviewing individual requests for the assignment and reassignment of existing space in accordance with EWU guidelines. The committee compiles request recommendations and forwards to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) for consideration and decision.
Campus Space
Space, which includes both indoor and outdoor spaces, is a central resource to the campus. The assignment of space shall be conducted in a consistent manner designed to optimize the use of this resource and to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the campus.
No unit, department or division “owns” the space that has been assigned to it. All University personnel are charged with ensuring the best use of space. University space resources should be utilized in the most efficient and effective manner to best serve programmatic and strategic goals.
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