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Advanced Search Filters

The different filters available in advanced search are the following:

Student Information Use this group of filters to search for students by personal identifying information, such as name, student ID, category, tag, or transfer status.

Enrollment History Create logic statements to search for students by their enrollment status in a variety of terms.

Area of Study Combine elements of this drawer to search for students based on areas of study, including college affiliation, degree, concentration, or major.

Term Data Select conditions within this group of filters to run a search for students using information associated with a specific term.

Performance Data Search using these filters to segment student groups by GPA, credits earned, and hours attempted.

Course Data Use this group of filters to query students based on courses, section, and status.  Only courses with associated sections for the term will be available for selection within this filter.

Assigned To Enter information into fields in this bucket to pull lists of students assigned to specific team members. Note that users that have the User Type or who have had a relationship in the past WILL NOT appear if they don’t currently have that relationship with a student. For example, an advisor who has no students assigned to them will not appear. This is also the drawer that allows users to search for students WITHOUT a certain relationship type, e.g. students without advisors.

Academic Plan Search by “Student has Planned Terms” field to see which students have a plan in place for the associated term. Search by “Student has Not Planned Terms” field to see which students do not have a plan in place for the associated term.

Success Indicators Run a search using these filters to identify students based on predicted support level or success marker completion status.

Nav Info Select milestones to see students who have met, not yet met, or are currently registered in the milestone courses.

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