Make Sure You Know Who You Should Be Scheduling With
To avoid unnecessary appointments, please make sure that you are checking who your advisor is before making an appointment.
You can do so a couple different ways:
Who is my advisor?
If you don’t know who your advisor is, you can find out three ways:
Look up your advisor through Navigate Student:
- Click “Resources”
- Select “People”
![Navigate Mobile, arrow pointing to "Resources"](https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/newstudentadvising-new/wp-content/uploads/sites/379/2022/11/My-project-1-3-edited.png)
![Navigate Mobile "Resources" page, arrow pointing to "People" and "Professional Advisor"](https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/newstudentadvising-new/wp-content/uploads/sites/379/2022/11/My-project-1-4-edited-1.png)
![Navigate Mobile "Professional Advisor" page, arrow to advisor link.](https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/newstudentadvising-new/wp-content/uploads/sites/379/2022/11/My-project-1-6-edited.png)
![Navigate Mobile "Connect" page, arrow to email](https://staging-inside.ewu.edu/newstudentadvising-new/wp-content/uploads/sites/379/2022/11/My-project-1-5-edited.png)
Find your advisor through InsideEWU:
- Login to your InsideEWU.
- Select EagleNET.
- Click on the Students tab.
- Find the Academic Profile section in the far left column.
- Select the current term from the dropdown.
- Your advisor’s name and a link to their email address will appear at the bottom of the academic profile.
Or call the Advising front desk to ask: 509.359.2345.