Little, Melodie

Lucy Covington Fellows Scholarship Details

The EWU Tribal Nations Advisory Council is accepting applications for the Lucy Covington Fellows Scholarship. This $1,000 scholarship is open to EWU students who are American Indian/Alaska Native and are either entering their junior or senior undergraduate year or are in graduate school with a minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA. The … Read more

EWU Makes a Switch In Academic Audit Software

Eastern Washington University recently made the switch from using SOAR to Degree Works for academic audit software. A separate function of Degree Works, Planner, is used by students and advisors to create long-term plans that automatically sync up with a student’s account in EagleNET for term planning and registration.  Navigate … Read more

EWU Day at Silverwood on Aug. 11

Spend a summer day at the Northwest’s largest theme park — Silverwood Theme Park and Boulder Beach Waterpark! Join other Eagles for big rides, big slides and big fun! The EWU Alumni Association has discounted tickets available for Friday, Aug. 11. The park is open from 11 a.m.-10:00 p.m. (Boulder … Read more

Policy Changes Approved By the BOT

The Board of Trustees approved changes to the following policies effective June 22, 2023: If you have any questions about the policy process or EWU policies, please contact Annika Scharosch, J.D., associate vice president for civil rights, compliance and enterprise risk management and Title IX coordinator, at 509.359.6724 or

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