Celebrate International SEL Day

Friday, March 26 is international SEL Day. SEL, or Social Emotional Learning, emphasizes skills needed to be successful in school, at work, in relationships and as a part of our community.

To learn more about SEL, watch this video on YouTube and check out our Education Department SEL Virtual Library.

To celebrate international #SELday, the Education Department invites you to share the great ways you’ve been practicing SEL in our community by submitting a short clip (30-60 seconds) using Flipgrid. Participants will be entered into a drawing to receive an SEL resource and EWU Swag!

Here are some prompts to consider highlighting your SEL engagement:

  • I’m working on my _____ [SEL skill] in honor of #SELday today.
  • Thanks to _____ for helping me learn _____ [SEL skill].
  • SEL is important to our school because _____.
  • [Teachers and EDUC Candidates] During times of stress, I support students by _____.
  • SEL has helped our community by _____.
  • We’re building bonds across our school by _____ during remote learning.
  • We’re reimagining our community by _____ during these times of Covid.

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