Faculty in Psychology, Social Work and Business Awarded Grants

Congratulations to four EWU faculty members who recently received grants to support their research.

Kevin Criswell, PhD, visiting assistant professor in psychology, was awarded a $10,000 grant from the American Psychological Foundation for “How loneliness and stigma affect health and academic outcomes in university students with chronic health conditions: A longitudinal mixed methods study.” This is Criswell’s second award supporting this longitudinal study.

Bipasha Biswas, PhD, professor of social work, together with Beth Halaas, PhD, assistant professor of social work, were awarded a $100,000 grant from Better Health Together for “Co-Constructing Strategies for addressing Structural Inequality in Refugee and Immigrant Communities (SSIRI).”

Shuming Bai, PhD, associate dean in the College of Business, was awarded a $125,000 grant from the AccessLex Institute for “Enhancing Financial Literacy – Individual and Group Financial Decision Making Effects.”

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