University Archives at Eastern Washington University Libraries has launched a project to create a digital archive detailing how Covid-19 has impacted and continues to impact the EWU community. Students, staff, faculty and alumni are asked to share submissions that capture how their life has changed as a result of the pandemic.
Topics could include commentary on remote learning, being isolated or quarantined, changes in how you connect with friends and family, ways you’ve seen the pandemic expose inequalities, how you have helped or been helped by others, and so much more. We encourage you to submit the following types of work:

● Written memories. These could consist of journal entries you’ve been recording as events have unfolded or your thoughts on where we are a year into the pandemic.
● Creative works. This includes poetry, fiction, artwork or other creative expressions.
● Photography. Consider sharing photographs you have taken that capture your life during the pandemic.
● If you have created audiovisual media or wish to submit physical items to the University Archives, please contact us directly at
Future generations will look at the University Archives to understand how the EWU community was impacted by Covid-19. Help us capture the history we’ve lived through by filling out a simple form.
For more information and FAQs please visit the Pandemic Stories webpage or click the link below to go straight to the submission form.