Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: The Forgotten People

Wednesday, April 10, noon-2 p.m. PUB NCR – Keynote: Dr. Aisha Jumaan
The EWU Political Science Department has invited Dr. Aisha Jumaan to speak on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. The theme of this lecture revolves around (1) Saudis’ air-strikes and air, land, and naval blockade; (2) American bombs and logistical support for the Saudi-led coalition; and (3) the starvation of 24 out 29 million Yemenis as we speak.

As a scholar native of Yemen and the Director of Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, Dr. Jumaan has first-hand knowledge of what could be categorized as genocidal war. Given Dr. Jumman’s field experience, the lecture can provide a rare opportunity for our students to learn about the hardly mentioned plight of Yemenis. I sincerely encourage you to invite your students to attend this event. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question or suggestion. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Event Schedule:
Noon-12:45 p.m. lecture
12:45-1:45 p.m. in-depth Q&A

Pence Union Building Nysether Community Room (PUB NCR)
Cheney Campus

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